But this time I do have some wonderful news — we're just back from my big brother's wedding!
My brother and his WIFE!
We spent a truly wonderful weekend in Orlando to celebrate Patrick and Katie's new life together. I just drank in all the quality time with family, the fun parties, and the all-around wedding-y goodness. Not to mention the joy of sharing all this with my own wonderful groom-to-be!
Next in the wedding line.
As our wedding gift to the happy couple, my other two brothers and I (we three were the "groomsmen") hosted the rehearsal dinner in Patrick and Katie's back yard.
The Groomsmen and Groomswoman
Shawn, the grill master, and his super-talented wife, my bridesmaid!, produced a delicious meal that suited the occasion perfectly. Meanwhile, my other brother, Adam, and Nathaniel and I fancied up the backyard.
The coolest thing I've ever built!
We strung white Christmas lights between the house and a large oak, clasping colored paper lanterns along every few bulbs. When they were all ready, we hoisted them up high in the tree and they created the perfect ambiance for the evening. (If I do say so myself!) It was a great example of the kind of fun, beautiful touches I hope to fill my own wedding with.
Patrick and Katie had a really unique, really beautiful, really laid-back ceremony that suited them perfectly. There are certainly a few pages Nathaniel and I hope to borrow from their book (and a few we aren't brave enough to try — their dog was the ring bearer!) but the thing I most admire about my big brother and new sister is their vibrant, healthy love. The kind you can see from miles away. The kind that inspires everybody around, especially kid sisters like me.
Here's to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett!