Friday, November 5, 2010

My Mantra

Hello again, wedding fans!  I'm writing with much news.

First of all, I am pleased to report that my thesis is DONE!  After two years of grad school, I've produced a 150-page manuscript (twice as long as the guidelines suggest—whoops!) that I will be defending in front of a committee on Friday.  Assuming that goes well, I only have to make it through four—count them, four!—more classes as a TA and then I will officially have my MFA in writing.  All of this has contributed to a very hectic past couple months and a very tired but happy yours truly, as you can imagine.

 Copies of my thesis, waiting to be bound!

With grad school ending, my job search is just beginning.  The freelance work I've been doing is great, but not quite enough to make ends meet when it isn't supplemented with student loans.  (Have I mentioned that weddings are expensive?)  Fortunately, I have an interview in two weeks that I am very, very excited about.  It's a job that would allow me to flex the writing muscles I've been working on all this time and would allow us to stay in Savannah.  As you can imagine, that's pretty high on our priority list.  I'm not trying to plan a destination wedding!  And, I love the city where we fell in love.

Anyway, before I keep blabbing on about petty things like graduate degrees and life-affirming careers, let's talk about what really matters.  Our honeymoon!

On Halloween, after months of research,  dressed as Catwoman and Tony Stark, we finally booked it.

Tony Stark                              Catwoman

You may remember this post my fiancĂ© made a few months back about our then fledgling honeymoon search.  Since then, nary a night has passed when we didn't spend at least a few minutes Googling tropical destinations and all-inclusive resorts.  Over and over again, the Dominican Republic came up as the place for us: incredibly affordable, totally gorgeous, warm, new to us both, and so enticing with its long beaches and lush vegetation.

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

We are SO excited.  We'll be staying at one of the Riu resorts in Puerto Plata.  For nine days and nights, all of our meals, drinks, and entertainment are comped and we're free to lounge by the pool, lounge by the beach, lounge in a hammock, lounge in a jacuzzi...well, you get the idea.  There will be much lounging.  Hopefully there will also be some hiking, horseback riding, swimming with dolphins, and exploring the town.  

Oh, in case you didn't hear me up there, I did say nine nights.  I don't think I've ever had a vacation that long (Dad, correct me if I'm wrong!) and I'm so looking forward to spending this one with my new husband!  Already, in moments of stress, Puerto Plata has become a mantra that breathes out of me.  It promises the longest vacation of my life with the most important man in it.  A chance to dwell and focus on our wonderful relationship, to remember the past, to daydream aloud, to plan for the future, and, most important, to be together.

Puerto Plata, Peurto Plata, Puerto Plata...