Please keep reading at:
All of the news that's fit to print about wedding planning on a budget, DIY decorating, and being madly in love.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Same bat time, new bat channel.
Please keep reading at:
Friday, November 5, 2010
My Mantra
First of all, I am pleased to report that my thesis is DONE! After two years of grad school, I've produced a 150-page manuscript (twice as long as the guidelines suggest—whoops!) that I will be defending in front of a committee on Friday. Assuming that goes well, I only have to make it through four—count them, four!—more classes as a TA and then I will officially have my MFA in writing. All of this has contributed to a very hectic past couple months and a very tired but happy yours truly, as you can imagine.
With grad school ending, my job search is just beginning. The freelance work I've been doing is great, but not quite enough to make ends meet when it isn't supplemented with student loans. (Have I mentioned that weddings are expensive?) Fortunately, I have an interview in two weeks that I am very, very excited about. It's a job that would allow me to flex the writing muscles I've been working on all this time and would allow us to stay in Savannah. As you can imagine, that's pretty high on our priority list. I'm not trying to plan a destination wedding! And, I love the city where we fell in love.
Anyway, before I keep blabbing on about petty things like graduate degrees and life-affirming careers, let's talk about what really matters. Our honeymoon!
On Halloween, after months of research, dressed as Catwoman and Tony Stark, we finally booked it.
You may remember this post my fiancé made a few months back about our then fledgling honeymoon search. Since then, nary a night has passed when we didn't spend at least a few minutes Googling tropical destinations and all-inclusive resorts. Over and over again, the Dominican Republic came up as the place for us: incredibly affordable, totally gorgeous, warm, new to us both, and so enticing with its long beaches and lush vegetation.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sibling (Un)rivalry
Monday, September 27, 2010
Working on TTD with my GTB
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
She's Baaa-aaack!
In my defense, I've been quite busy with work, school, and a little thing called love. Even wedding planning has taken a back seat these past few weeks. My wedded friends reassure me that it's normal for the planning process to be sort of a roller coaster with a lot of action and a lot of downtime. I'm happy to listen to them rather than to my bridal mags, which will have me believe I'm doing a horrible job if I eat, breathe, or sleep anything other than WEDDING.
Despite the lull, my wonderful groom and I have managed to tick a few things off the list. We've started sending out Save the Date announcements in batches (I know, I know, I wasn't supposed to have the kind of guest list that required "batches"), planning the reception, and getting organized. We've also made a wedding website, the URL of which I don't feel like advertising to the blogging world, but I'll be happy to send to you privately!
We have plenty of upcoming plans, including a meeting with the caterers to solidify things tomorrow morning, a date with a "harper" (we're not entirely sure how she'll differ from a harpist), and trips to register sometime soon. In fact, I can feel the roller coaster tipping back toward the speedy planning slope as I type this.
In parting, and as an apology for being so tardy with this post, I leave you with the "Charlotte and Nathaniel Pop Quiz." Try your hand at some of our fun relationship trivia!
Go to the pop quiz!
P.S. If you'd like, feel free to give me a grade on this post so I'll have some extra incentive to come back sooner next time.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Something Blogged, Something Through
The Guest List Blues

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Mother of the Bride
My life now is exactly the life of my dreams —only it's missing my beautiful mom. The past few years were full of a lot of painful emotions and sad truths, but none of them has been as difficult to grasp as this one: my mother won't be at my wedding. I can't help but agonize over how much she would love planning my wedding with me. How fun to pick out colors, decorations, and a dress. How special to introduce her to the man of my dreams. How good and sweet to feel her squeeze my hand on the big day. We spent so many of the lazy afternoons of my childhood daydreaming aloud about my wedding, I can hardly believe that now it's here and she's not.
It's been shocking, amidst all of the joy of our engagement, to discover these feelings of sadness juxtaposed with the excitement. But I'm not a novice at grief, and I know it will get better in time. I'm just trying to keep my head above water, to keep moving forward, and to remember all of the good. The good memories, the good life lessons, and the goodness of her.
Luckily for me, this isn't hard. I'm surrounded by so many wonderful and loving people; it's easy to glimpse in them the kindness and warmth I so miss in my mother. My matron of honor was also the matron of honor at my parents' wedding, and being with her is full of cherished memories of being with Mom. My amazing and inspiring dad will be there to walk me down the aisle and to share a special dance — I think the first where I don't have to stand on his shoes. I know my best friends, my wonderful siblings, and Nate's incredibly loving family, too, will all make it such a special day, brimming full of love.
But still — I can't escape the fact my mom won't be there.
Nate, ever the wonderfully supportive partner, suggested we do something special during the ceremony in Mom's honor. I was thrilled at his suggestion, and, after a lot of brainstorming, decided a butterfly release would be the perfect tribute. Mom loved butterflies — and I think they loved her too. I've watched a lot of YouTube videos of these, and an alarming number of them involve reluctant butterflies clinging to the bride's veil, the groom's finger, or an obliging guest. But I think it's worth the risk — the moment of monarchs filling the air is a moment so much like my mother herself: beautiful, arresting, and full of the promise of flight.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Midsummer Decorating Dream; part two

Friday, August 13, 2010
A Midsummer Decorating Dream; part one
I hope you all enjoyed my guest writer last week, and I'm sorry I haven't written since then. (Remember all that complaining I was doing a while back about how being engaged = being ridiculously busy? Yeah. That hasn't changed.) But I finally have some time now to sit down at the table, mug of green tea steeping, pup asleep at my feet, and dream with you about all things decorated.
The fiancé and I went by both of our venues this morning: the reception venue because he had to meet a business associate there (I tagged along to eye the surroundings and daydream about decorating some more) and then the ceremony venue to sign the contract!
As far as the decor...I have a lot of vague ideas and no definite plans. I also have champagne taste and a beer budget. But never fear, dear readers! Check out some of our schemes:
Nate actually came up with this one. Our reception venue has a decidedly industrial feel (which I actually think makes for cool juxtaposition with the pretty, soft wedding stuff), so the groom suggested getting long sheets of satin (or something far, far cheaper) in our colors to hang in ceiling-to-floor glory. It will be a great way to cushion the space and set our theme, and also create a sense of luxury with a teeny price tag.
Twinkly Lights!
Is anything more charming than the soft light of white twinkly lights? (Is that even what adults call them?) Since the reception will be at night, we're planning on putting these suckers all over the outside of the building, and probably along the ceiling inside, too. (What was that I just heard? The sounds of myriad friends volunteering?) The best part about this plan is that Christmas will come sooner than our wedding day, and you know what that means: after Christmas sales! I know I've seen boxes of twinkly lights for 99 cents at Target that week, and I plan to wipe out their stock.
Some of you might know that our dog got into the decidedly unfortunate habit of eating books, recently.
Bad girl!
But as I sunk to my knees one night, surrounded by the carcasses of such beloved works as The Little Prince, The Yearling, and Atlas Shrugged, a little voice in the back of my head whispered: Wedding decorations! I was pretty sure that little voice was crazy, but I saved all the salvageable pages anyway. I finally concluded that I could use them to make some sort of heart cut-out garlandy thing. After all, I am something of a word lover, and I’d love it if the wedding could emerge with a theme of words AND moving pictures (more on that in part two!). As soon as I came to the garland conclusion, I began to see them everywhere! For instance, the adorable picture above, or this one from Wedding magazine:
Sorry for the poor quality!
Stay tuned this weekend for more decorating fun, and please share any ideas you have for us below!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
A very special episode of Something Blogged, Something Blue

Saturday, August 7, 2010
This Day in Herstory
And not just any date.
It's the day of Odysseus' fabled return from the Trojan War. The anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. penning his famous letter from Birmingham Jail. The birthday of Charlie Chaplin and Anatole France. The day a bill ending slavery in the District of Columbia became law. The afternoon Apollo 16 headed off for the moon.
And now, in 2011, the day we say we do.
My wonderful groom and I have been hard at work creating Save the Date magnets to send to our guests. Ever the thrifty do-it-yourselfers, we resolved to take an engagement photo, design the card, and assemble the notices ourselves. The only task we're letting out of our hands is the actual printing, which we're entrusting to the darn good prices at
Taking the photo was the highlight of our Save the Date journey. Sitting on the couch one afternoon, with only a couple hours of daylight left, rain threatening, and no particular plans, we decided to get out and take some kick-ass photos. After a brief but heated debate atop a parking garage downtown, we settled instead on a more vintage location.
We then proceeded to burn approximately 658 calories each by running back and forth to alternately take and review the photos, with the help of the ten-second timer, of course.
Outtake: Nate didn't make it to his place before the timer went off.
All in all, creating the Save the Dates was a wonderful and fun first step in the months of planning and preparation we have ahead.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The train before the dress
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet: We're Hunting Venues

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Til Death Do Us Part
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
NOW it's a party!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Location, Location, Location.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Procrastination Proclamation
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Two households, both alike in dignity . . .
(OK, quoting Romeo and Juliet is probably a big wedding planning no-no. See how clueless I am?)
Before we delve into the intricacies of handhewn invitations, mermaid style dresses versus A-line, and the subtle differences between being flat-broke and being desperately broke, I thought it best to offer you our story's SparkNotes.

News videographer by day, independent filmmaker by night, and all-around good guy. Tall, dark, handsome. Quoted as saying, post-proposal, "Now you [Charlotte] can do the rest of the planning, right?"

Our little adopted mutt. Enjoys long walks, ear rubs, and anything beef-flavored. Reduces household stress by curling up in obliging laps. Increases it by eating underwear. Over-all, hard not to love.